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Colossians 3+4

Writer's picture: London AnstineLondon Anstine

T O P I C: specific lies


Every devotional is to help be a starting point for you and your time with The Lord. He^^ loves you and wants to spend intentional time with you in His^^ Word (the Bible) and in everyday life.

 Xoxo rooted.core


**Read Psalms 31+32**

Read Colossians 3:1-17

Jesus saved us to transform us. So often we think that once we accept Jesus into our hearts we are good. Often times not taking seriously the genuine change God wants to make at the depths of our hearts. However, there is a transformation that God wants to do in our hearts. This transformation is taking us from where we are into deep relationship with Him^^ cleansing and purifying us free from our old selves. This purifying and redefining ourselves is a lifelong journey. 

Colossians 3:1

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above and not on earthly things.”

So often we think that there can be a “to do” and a “not to do list” now there is definitely things as Christians God says we should not do. Don’t get me wrong, but we often times focus on ourselves so much that it becomes self strength and self focused. Jesus came so that we could depend on Him^^ alone. We are called to focus on Him^^ leading to a Kingdom mindset. While we read the word of God with humility our desire and love for Him^^ increases naturally. When we understand His^^ word at a heart level we are changed. As we focus on HIM^^ our minds change. He^^ brings life and transformation. This transformation is not a 10 steps to be a better Christian (self focused) but falling more in love with The Lord and His^^ word, leading to relying on His^^ Spirit. 

Colossians 3:5

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexualy immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed which is idolatry.”

As you read the next ten-ish verses I encourage you to compare and contrast. These verses are great in comparing and contrasting the difference between a life who is submitted to God and a life that isn’t. The byproduct of what you believe is how you live your life. Sexual immorality, impurity and so forth are things God calls us not to partake in because as His^^ Holy and dearly loved children we are to live differently. The Lord gives us these boundaries to keep our hearts safe. If we are walking in these things that we know that The Lord wants for our lives. As we follow His^^ commands and teachings we are able to walk in ultimate freedom. 


How often do you look to self to change? How can you allow Jesus to change you rather than focusing on “being better”? How do you see the commands and boundaries of the Bible? How can you see them more as boundaries to keep your heart safe instead of do’s and don’ts? How does this new mindset change the way you see Jesus?


Dear Heavenly Father, 

I pray Jesus that your love would show me how to be more like you. Jesus show me what it looks to be filled with your love to walk by your Spirit. Grow me in dependency of Your love. Thank you for loving me regardless of where I am I am in life. Thank you for your grace that covers all my sin. I pray that you would purify my heart and make me more in love with you every day. Jesus give me a Spirit of wisdom and revelation. I love you. -In Jesus name Amen 


**Read Psalms 33+34**

Read Colossians 3:18-25

WOWWWW these verses! I don’t know what your family life looked like growing up. No matter what our family system might have looked like there is so much hope that The Lord wants to give us an example of what our homes should look like in the future. Satan wants to take out the family unit. He wants to destroy and pervert the roles of each family member because he knows that if a family is functioning the way The Lord intended it to we are set to fight against him.

Colossians 3:18-22

“Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh to them. Children obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”

How does that verse make you feel? Depending on your family system at home it can feel as if “why should I obey my parents you don’t know what they do” for others you have put this verse to practice because you have seen the fruit of healthy parenting. For the one who hasn’t had the best upbringing I want to say this. I am sorry. The Lord sees and wants to heal you and show you what it looks like to have the parents He^^ intended to you to have. Because of the broken world we live in and sin surrounding pain happens. When we don’t process our pain we become slaves to it therefore living and giving off that pain. It was not fare and Jesus wants to show you what it looks like to have that loving father. 

For those of us who have had great parents it is so beautiful to see how God intended a parent child relationship. Though no parent is perfect it is equally important to humbly come before Jesus and learn what He^^ intended because there can be things that we grew up with that weren’t necessarily bad but aren’t what He^^ has for us. 

Colossians 3: 23

“Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for man.”

As Christians it is so beautiful that we can constantly check our motives. “Jesus am I doing this for YOU or to ge t_______ need met.”  (wanting to be seen, wanting to be heard, needing affirmation, trying to gain approval, trying to fill a void…) Why do you do what you do? Is it to get a need met or because The Lord has called you to it? 


How often do you do something to get a need met? What do you do and why do you think you do it? What lie do you think you are believing that is making you do that? How can you work for The Lord rather than for the approval of man? Now invite Jesus into that moment. 


Dear Lord, 

Thank you for today. Thank you for your faithfulness regardless of what is going on around me. I pray that you will show me my motive before I do things. Lord make me aware of why I do what I do and change my heart to work for you and not for men. Jesus show me more and more of what it looks like to be a child of you and to honor my parents. I love you so much thank you for being there with me always. -In Jesus name Amen


**Read Psalms 35+36**

Read Colossians 4:1-6

Colossians 4:2-4 

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly as I should.” 

Paul a man devoted to spreading the Gospel. In chains. More worried about how he can spread the gospel in the jail cell than getting out. His^^ life was ministry minded. He was devoted to prayer and advancing the Gospel. What is important to you? Jesus told us to spread the Gospel (the great commision). He wasn’t complaining about the fact that he had gotten thrown in prison. How often do we as Christians complain about little things. As we focus on what God has for us the problems of the world dissipate. We see things through an eternal perspective. Prayer is so important. Advancing the Gospel is our calling. What lengths are you willing to go to in order to do as the Lord has called us to do?

Colossians 4: 5 

“Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”  

How are you representing Christ? It is crazy how often people see others and judge if they want what you have simply by the way you conduct yourself and the way you live. This could be a ton of pressure. The Lord wants you to reply and be aware of Him^^ in every moment therefore overflowing with grace and kindness around you. The more aware and dependent on Him^^ we are the more our lives will reflect Him^^. What we put in, who we spend time with is going to reflect through the conversations we have and the type of lives we live. Jesus in you is attractive to a world that is dying. The more we find our identity in the one who created us and gave us life the more life we are going to live in and operate in therefore the more people are going to want what you have. Because who wants to live in death? 


How does your life reflect who is at the center of your life? What things of this world do you feel like you should surrender in order to be full of Jesus and reflect His^^ love? What would it look like if you lived in dependence and moment by moment with Jesus? Why can it be hard to let God love you? 


Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Thank you for being my best friend and for loving me fully. I pray that you would break down any walls that are in my heart and eradicate me with your love. I pray that you would teach me more of your heart. Show me what it looks like to be devoted to prayer. I pray that you would show me the importance of prayer; give me a fresh desire to be in prayer. I love you thank you for all you do. -Jesus name Amen


**Read Psalms 37 + 38**

Read Colossians 4:7-18

Colossians 4:12b

“That you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”

The more we are in the word of God the more we are going to understand if what we are feeling and believing is true or a lie. When we believe lies about God and ourselves we are standing on a faulty belief system that leaves us dependent on the things of this world and lacking. When we know God’s^^ promises we are standing firm on His^^ foundation. When we know the word of God we start to understand His^^ will and our hearts mature and are assured in His^^ truth. 


Do you make your time with God a priority? How can you be more intentional about being in His^^ word? When we know His^^ word we know HIS^^ way. We should be disciples that are more in love with His^^ word than speakers. Though God can speak through speakers it is important to know His^^ word therefore knowing truth. Speakers are humans God is God. 



Jesus you are almighty and all knowing. I pray that you would take all beliefs out of me that are not of you. I humble myself at your feet may your grace lead me to deeper understanding of who you are. May your simple Gospel change my heart everyday. I pray that you will give me a deeper desire to know your truth and be changed by your sweet words of freedom. Thank you for dying on the cross. I love you my beautiful savior. -Jesus precious name Amen


**Read Psalms 39 + 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 throughout the three days**

Challenge for this week: Set a time aside to go on “a date with Jesus”. Take a time out of your week and do something you love. Invite Him^^ with you. This might seem weird at first but He^^ loves to spend intentional time with you. Do what you love. He^^ loves to do it with you.

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